- Version 2.3.8
- Download 15
- File Size 2.14 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date May 24, 2021
- Last Updated May 25, 2021
Steam is the official Android app for Steam, the most important digital video game distribution platform which already has millions of registered users.
From the app, you'll be able to access a list of friends, know what they are playing at any given moment, and even talk to them over an integrated instant messaging system. Plus, you can check out the deals of the day, go through the video games catalog and purchase anything directly from your smartphone.
To access the application content, you'll first have to register yourself on Steam, a step that is completely free and which will open up a world of possibilities in so far as buying and playing games is concerned.
Steam is a very interesting app for any video game junkie as it not only lets you buy them at a lower price than usual, it also gives you the possibility of keeping in touch with other payers.
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