- Version 217
- Download 28
- File Size 62.35 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date May 29, 2021
- Last Updated May 29, 2021
VSCO Cam is a photo editing tool that gives the photos that you take with your Android device a much more elegant touch.
You can take the photos form the VSCO Cam app itself, where they are saved to a folder with thumbnail previews enabled. That makes it easy to choose which images you want to work with at any point.
Once you select a photograph, you'll have access to dozens of options for editing it. Just select a filter to add or an operation to perform (color adjust, contrast, brilliance, etc) and adjust the corresponding parameters.
When you've finished working with your photos, you can share them using other apps like Facebook or Instagram. Of course, you can also choose to email them to yourself or just store them in your device for later.
In addition to storing the photos, VSCO Cam saves all of the information about each image. That means where you took it, the date, the filters you used to edit it, etc - everything.
VSCO Cam is an excellent photo editing tool with a more professional interface and better results than the majority of its competition.
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